Gender-Affirming Care and Parenting
Texas has been in the news lately for letters written by state officials declaring that what’s known as “Gender Affirming Care” is child abuse. It’s generally regarded as a political display, as the letters don’t change how the law actually defines child abuse, and major medical and mental health organizations have clarified that gender affirming care is not child [...]
What is an Askable Parent?
An askable parent is what you want to be. No matter what your family values about sex are, chances are that you want your child to share them. For your child to know your values, and to get accurate information, they need to feel comfortable talking with you about sex. The askable parent creates that comfort, by building the [...]
Puberty Book Recommendations
The Care and Keeping of You (The American Girl book). These people know their market! This book is known and loved by a gazillion people. There's also a "Part Two" version for older girls. This one was recommended to me as a more inclusive puberty book for girls: And for boys, I like this one but FYI it does [...]
Sex Ed is a Human Right
I discovered on the World Health Organization's website some years ago a page that (broadly) included Sex Ed as a human right. The idea makes absolute sense to me, and I've said that phrase many times ever since. Recently I needed to find the citation... and it took me for-ev-er. It is not an official position (yet) for the [...]
Recommended books for talking with kids about sex
Recommended books about sex for kids In my workshops, I love to recommend books. I also frequently get emails asking for book recommendations–both for kids and parents. If I had to pare down the options to just 5, this is what I would choose. What’s the Big Secret is my recommendation for any age. It talks about pregnancy, sex, relationships, [...]
Books Recommended in Beyond Birds and Bees
In my workshops, I love to recommend books. I also frequently get emails asking for book recommendations--for both kids and parents. The most common request is for books about sex. If I had to pare down the options to just three, this is what I would choose.
Oh, Good Question!
Earlier this week I had an initial appointment with a physical therapist. Towards the end of our visit, he gave me some instructions for things to do at home. I sortof understood, but wanted clarification, so I asked a question. This is where things went downhill.