Behavior is Communication–Video
The Arc of the Tantrum video has been hugely popular, so I've made another one. This one is on a topic I speak about in various ways all the time: Behavior is Communication. Click below for 2 minutes and 38 seconds' worth of coaching on understanding your child's misbehavior. (and see directly below for a rudimentary transcript.) Behavior is Communication, notes from [...]
If not punishment, then what?
I don’t spend much time advising parents on how to punish more effectively. In fact, I tend to tell parents that I am not a big fan of punishment at all. A parent rightfully asked me the other day: “Well then, if not punishment, what DO we do?
Iceberg Ahead!
When we see SuperMom go sailing by, perfectly put together, with her perfect children behaving perfectly... we sometimes judge ourselves, and come up lacking. But this isn't fair.
The love… and vulnerability of a parent
I occasionally attend trainings put on by a local professional organization for therapists and social workers who specialize in infant mental health. Their meetings occur on days when I'm home with my infant daughter, and since they are a very baby-friendly group, I bring her along. One of the leaders of the group sent me a email the other day, and made a bit [...]
Free Parenting Resources–part two–online help
I often receive phone calls and emails from parents who want my services, but for a variety of reasons, can't come in. A mom wrote recently asking if I knew of a way she could receive parent coaching for free. Unfortunately, my favorite parenting resource in Austin (Family Connections) has recently shut down, so I didn't really have a referral for [...]
Free Parenting Resources, part One–BOOKS!
This post is intended to be a resource for anyone who would like to learn & focus on their parenting via FREE methods. :^)