
Who’s driving this bus?

Happy Holidays!  I hope you are having peaceful, loving times with your kids while they are out of school.  (at least some of the time, anyway!)  ;^) For some people, the holidays mean that both parents are home and more highly involved in parenting than usual. This can be great, and... it can also cause difficulty when parents have different [...]

5 Tips for going back to school

1. Plan ahead for the morning. Revert back to the school-day bedtime & wake-up schedule a few days in advance. Get a little extra sleep a couple of days before (you and your child!) Lay out the first day's clothes the night before, pack the backpack and lunch the night before... whatever you can do to have fewer 'must dos' [...]

Emotions & Coping Skills

Note:  I'm on leave for the summer.  While I'm out, I'll be reposting some of my more popular posts.  See you again in the Fall. Teaching Kids About Emotions.  A beginning guide to fostering basic emotional intelligence in kids. Coping Skills for Kids part 1: What is a "coping skill" anyway?  (Knowledge that we adults can sometimes take for granted!)  Coping [...]

Children and Funerals

# You are the best person to talk with your child about what has happened. You don't need a professional to break bad news--your child would rather hear it from his parents. (although YOU might feel better if YOU talk to someone first--practicing what you're going to say is a great idea.) # Don't hide the truth, and don't delay too long before telling your child pertinent details. # Regarding funerals, there are a lot of good reasons to allow your child to attend the funeral, including:

Free Parenting Resources–part two–online help

I often receive phone calls and emails from parents who want my services, but for a variety of reasons, can't come in.  A mom wrote recently asking if I knew of a way she could receive parent coaching for free.  Unfortunately, my favorite parenting resource in Austin (Family Connections) has recently shut down, so I didn't really have a referral for [...]