Arc of the Tantrum Parenting Class
How can I get my kid to cooperate, stop arguing, and calm down!? There’s a TON of science about how brains work that can help you feel confident and effective in dealing with difficult behavior, and this class will help you apply it to your most difficult parenting moments. For parents of children age 2-11, this class helps [...]
Beyond Birds & Bees – Webinar
When it comes to talking about sex, parents make the best teachers. But, where (and when!) do you start? Help is here! This 1 hour webinar is for parents of kids ages 0-13.
Co-parenting Class
The Co-parenting Class From the small things like phone calls and shoes that go missing, to large things like holidays, boundaries, and angry exes, there are about a million decisions, negotiations, and feelings to manage. This is the LIVE class. If you want the recorded/on-demand version, go here. WHAT: Three classes with Katie. Each session is ~75% presentation, [...]
Professional Consultation
CoParenting: Session One of Three
The CoParenting Class: Session One This video is the first of 3 webinars for parents who are divorced/divorcing. This particular video includes these topics: Co-parenting 101 Overlap versus the 2 box technique What you can and can’t control Prevention Techniques New relationships When you can’t protect: equip This video also includes parent questions about: coparent won't take the child [...]
CoParenting: Session Three of Three
CoParenting, Session Three This video is the third of 3 webinars for parents who are divorced/divorcing. If you purchase on this page, you are only buying Session Three. If you want to buy all three of the CoParenting Class videos, go to THIS page instead, and save $15! This particular video (#3) includes these topics: Divorce is hard on [...]
CoParenting: Session Two of Three
CoParenting, Part Two This video is the second of 3 webinars for parents who are divorced/divorcing. This particular video includes these topics: Types of Difficult Exes Low skill/beginner parent Angry/hurt exes Parents dealing with substance abuse/mental health crisis Narcissistic parents Why Difficult Exes are hard How having a Difficult Ex impacts your kids The relationship you earn Sample situation--when [...]
From Punishment to Boundaries
Do you ever find yourself wondering what consequence you should be giving your teen for the latest infraction? What if 'giving consequences' wasn't your go-to method for shaping your teen's behavior? Rudeness, defiance, poor performance... there are lots of different types of teen misbehavior! The most effective parenting uses different responses for different types of misbehavior.... and control and [...]
How to Talk to your Teen about Sex
Teens & Sex Parenting Class Your 14 year old has a boyfriend. Now what? Modern sex, gender and relationships are like "New Math!" How to handle dating, privacy, boundaries, and heartbreak? Join me for a 4-class series providing information, guidance, and validation for anyone parenting adolescents as they discover, question, explore, and learn things the hard way about sexuality [...]
Keeping Kids Safe – Webinar
What parents need to know & do to keep kids safe. Inspired by the book "Protecting the Gift" by Gavin de Becker, this presentation provides information about intuition, protection, supervision, and what parents need to know to keep their children safer, particularly from predators. We'll cover: Trusting your intuition Myths and Facts about your child's safety risks What parents [...]