Three links in honor of Father’s Day. (I couldn’t find free stuff like I did for Mother’s Day–sorry!!)
1. Was Father’s Day invented by Hallmark? ;^) No, but you can find the real history here.
2. This article about a woman adopted by her (deceased) mother’s ex-boyfriend is sweet and heart warming–and made me tear up a little.
3. Barack Obama’s essay in honor of Father’s Day. One quote: “I think about the pledge I made to [Melia] that
day: that I would give her what I never had–that if I could be anything in life, I would be a good
father.” It reminded me of the oft-quoted comment from Jackie Kennedy: ” If you bungle raising your children, I don’t think whatever else you do well matters very much.”
So for this weekend, and always: here’s to the sweet, strong, funny, playful, goofy, tender, protective, loyal, and hard-working–in all parents, but especially this weekend, in our Daddies.