
What is an Askable Parent?

An askable parent is what you want to be. No matter what your family values about sex are, chances are that you want your child to share them. For your child to know your values, and to get accurate information, they need to feel comfortable talking with you about sex. The askable parent creates that comfort, by building the [...]

Good for him!

As an MSSW first-year intern, I worked at a residential treatment facility for teenage male sex offenders. I didn't ask for that job, and it was really-really challenging, but I definitely learned an enormous amount there. This is one of my favorite stories from that time. I worked with a psychiatrist who was a super smart guy. He was [...]

You say you want a revolution…

When people come to see me, it’s generally because they are seeking change.  Something isn’t quite the way they want it to be: they want to grow, or help their child grow.  That desired change?—it begins in the brain. Scientists used to think that brains stopped growing after a certain age, but thankfully we now know better.  Modern neuroscience [...]

Anti-Racist Parenting Conversations

Parents, and especially White parents, have important work to embrace around being, and parenting, in anti-racist ways. Let's start with two steps. #1: Understand “anti-racism.” I believe that most everyone in my life would describe themselves as “not racist.” If asked, they would disavow racist ideas and actions. However, as I have learned embarrassingly recently, it is not enough [...]

Book Recommendations about Parenting & ADD/ADHD

Taking Charge of ADHD by Russell Barkley Super-parenting for ADD by Edward Hallowell.  (He also has a podcast with about a million episodes.  Free and easy to access!) Late, Lost, and Unprepared by Joyce Cooper-Kahn & Laurie Dietzel This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive compensation if you click the links and then buy. (and if [...]